Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Squat Cleans and Stair Sprints

Form work on Squat Cleans. Cleans are still a mystery, from the triple extension to the catch in rack position. Need lots of work on the exercise. I think the challenge after the pushups will be squats, so I have a good base of leg strength to start getting technical on my lifts. May also ask for a 24Kg kettlebell for Christmas and start with Turkish get ups.

Then did 3 X 10 flights of stairs (20 steps) at full sprint. Got 57 secs, 66, 67. Not bad and I certainly feel better about this than the sprint intervals I did last week. However, I feel really beat up today and will be taking a rest day. Having trouble with stairs as my quads are really sore. Time for some Vitamin I and rest.

Pushups: 2670

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