Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Back in the U.S. er.. A.

Back from Honduras, had a great time and am a newly certified Open Water Diver. Along the way, I managed to do the following:

10/9- three rounds of Erin in a respectable if slow time.

10/10- three rounds of:
10 30# DB thrusters
15 pushups
25 squats

10/11- three rounds of
70 second run at 10 min mile pace
21 30# DB swing
10 dead hang pullups

Then, the workouts died as I left the nice hotel in Tegucigalpa and headed for Roatan by way of La Ceiba. SCUBA kicked my ass, so I even missed whole days of pushups. However, I am back, relatively healthy and looking forward to getting back to it. Oh, and finally began setting plans for the next major trip next August to Peru!

Pushups: 1585

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