Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Brother of the Beast

Helped with teaching Elements last night, which, I have found, is great for giving me repeated instruction on the basics. I hope that I can make it for the olympic lifting section of the instruction, as that always needs work.

Before the class, I made up Brother of the Beast, which was Sunday's WoD. 5 rounds with 115# of:
15 Deadlifts
12 Hang Power Cleans
9 Front squats
6 Push Jerks

22:16. Happy with the time, as it beat out a couple of guys around my ability level, but, once again, my clean form sucked. The front squats got a lot better once I really locked in the rack position and was able to let my torso bear the load. Push Jerks are still messy, but part of that is the light weight for them. Deadlifts were easy, weight is too light to make a difference.

Pushups: 700

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