Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Day at the Range and Barbara

Made up Barbara last night: With three minute intervals between each, complete five rounds of:
20 pullups
30 pushups
40 situps
50 squats
36:36 total time. Pullups were terrible and cost me most of that time. They were chest to bar, but mostly singles. I really need to work on that. Rest of it was comparatively easy.
Martin forwarded the shooting pics, so here they are.

This is a group shot, with Martin (bottom right), his wife Hope, Juan and me. Sadly, they wouldn't take the pic while we were armed.
The MP5.

Good times, been waiting for this for a lonnnnng time.

The results of full auto. Not particularly accurate, but a great time.

Hope with a convincing argument in favor of eliminating violence against women. Sometimes, they're just better at it.

At the end of the day, this is what you are left with. Oh yeah, that and a feeling just how awesome your day was.

Pushups: 600

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