Monday, October 27, 2008

Elizabeth and Interval Training

Well, looks like I am backing out of the pull up challenge. Without a bar at home, this became a game of getting to the gym just to do the pull ups and then having to do big sets to always catch up. Not interested.

Friday was sprint intervals, specifically 4 rounds of 400 then rest 2 minutes. I did this at B3, but on the street rather than at the track, since I wanted to actually do it with someone. Finished with 1:08, 1:17, 1:18, 1:23. 68 seconds would have been respectable, if I had been able to hold to that pace. Instead, I fell apart with an 83 second finish on the last set, not to mention knee pain. I really need to learn how to run better and then do a hell of a lot more of it.

Saturday was a rest day, although the pushups continued and Sunday was Elizabeth. The actual workout is 21-15-9 of:
135# squat cleans
Ring Dips

I subbed 95# power cleans and completed it in 6:30. I was happy with the time and the switch, as I don’t feel comfortable with the squat clean and, until I do, I am trying to avoid throwing around heavy weights. I hope that by the next time this comes around, I will have improved my clean technique to where I can do this with full squat cleans and 115#.

Pushups: 2451

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