Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fight Gone Bad and Intervals Gone Worse

Well, my previous FGB score was an inspiring 300. I had a feeling with the training level of recent days and changes in diet, I would have trouble matching it and I was right. I fell apart on wallball and the SDLHP had terrible form. I even managed to drop the push press on the last set. Good times. Ended up with 278. Not bad, but not great either, particularly when you count reps for the guy who ends up with 344.

Then did Interval pyramid at night. 1 min on, 1 min off, 1 min on, 50 secs off down to 10 secs rest and then back up. Went 3400m, which isn't too shabby for 11 minutes of running on the same day as FGB.

My pushups are beginning to suffer and I may have to give in to the challenge in order to maintain intensity elsewhere.

Pushups: 3900 (4100 is the target for yesterday)

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