Friday, November 21, 2008

5K Run

Took the rest day to do a 5K time trial. Although it was cold (about 25-30 degrees) and I have been doing 400m sprints everyday since Monday (16 total in three days), I thought I might be able to sneak a small PR in, since I have been getting stronger and faster generally. That was not to be and I turned in a 21:36. Although I am still happy with the performance given that I haven’t had a true rest day in 2 weeks, I was a little frustrated.

On the positive side, I did get to incorporate POSE into the running to a greater extent than ever before and my knee thanked me for it after the run was over. Unlike last time, when my knee was displeased to have been exposed to that, I had only a slight pulse of discomfort that ended shortly after the run. This is very encouraging from an injury prevention standpoint.

Unfortunately, I predicted today's WoD, which is "Run a 5K." So I am not sure what I should do at the gym.

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