Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hanging at the gym

Today was a main site rest day, so there wasn't anything too organized at the gym. I had decided to run there and back (about 5.8 miles), so I just did a basic warmup, helped fold flyers, fixed some stuff and practiced deadlifts. My form on deads feels better, but I haven't lifted heavy in a long time. Hopefully, the climbing rope I ordered will show up tomorrow and we can start messing around with that. I am also looking into patching up their damaged heavy bag and hanging it from the rope hardware as an additional source of post-WoD entertainment. We'll see.

In less positive news, I have been eating less well recently and not getting enough sleep. This has begun to effect my performance at the gym and at work. Need to really step up my game on this as diet has a way of sliding back into crap mode.


Anonymous said...

Saturday workout - really starting to log some good miles 6am was a 50 min run with a buddy, and later in the evening around 9:30pm had some extra energy that needed to be put to good use so i did another 6 miles at close to race pace. felt great. sunday is rest day (maybe some abs). monday is race day, only a 5k though.

Kurt said...

Good to hear you are back on track. Tell me what your race time is, as I would like to have a goal for my next 5K run.

Anonymous said...

hey ,sorry for the delay in response as i was away with jill for 4 days. my 5K time right now is 21:29, i feel pretty good about it. i think i can get it down as i went out very fast with my first split @ 5:49 than tapered down. i think if i pull back a bit on the first mile i can keep a faster overall mile pace going.