Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Hotboxing it

So the new "temporary" Manhattan location opened yesterday. Looks like an old clothing store, complete with hanger rakcs covering most of the back of the small space. Unfortunately, it is both small and doesn't appear to have working AC. This resulted in high temperatures and even higher humidity. The clamouring for the re-opening of the Brooklyn gym was loud.

Nonetheless, we did the rest day homebrew WoD below:
500m row
40 KB swings
30 pushups
400, 30, 15
300, 20, 10
200, 10, 5

Time was around 14:30 with a 24 KG bell. However, my form was fucked up on swings and resulted in repeated hyperextension of my back. I worked on it after my WoD, but it did a number on my back. Still hurts today, but I don't think anything is busted. Nonetheless, in an effort to remain healthy, I am taking both today and tomorrow off from the gym. Thankfully, today's workout is a series of high weight snatchs, so I am not missing much.

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