Thursday, June 26, 2008

Slosh pipe fun

Quick update for Monday and Tuesday:
Monday was just Sam and me at the Box, probably because the WoD was a 5K and partly because a new NY crossfit opened and some of the people went to check it out. Sam wanted to work deadlifts, but I had a desire to check out the slosh pipe. For those not familiar, a slosh pipe is essentially a pipe of varying diameter and length that is capped at both ends. The pipe is half-filled with water, making it very difficult to keep stable, as the water continously shifts the weight as you move the pipe. It usually ends up as a good whole body workout, but reduces the explosive power generated, as going to fast can be counter productive.

16kg KB swings each arm
Clean, Press and OHS the "Bone"

The "Bone" is a long, thin (compartively) pipe made of PVC. It is slick, as PVC is not porous, and makes for a good grip workout too. Difficult to do more than a couple in a row without stopping to re-chalk my hands. Finished in around 17 minutes. A little longer than normal because a couple of people stopped by to out our gym and I helped discuss what the gym was about.

Tuesday, we happened to get a med ball in the Box, so added that together with my abdominal weakness to do:

3 rounds
20 Wall balls
50 situps

8:13. Definitely slower than anticipated as my abs decided to protest the stability work the day before. Yesterday was Fight Gone Bad, a workout I really wanted to do, but I needed a rest after 3 days of work and had to go to league night for Warmachine anyway. Also went to Havana Central for a farewell dinner for one of the CF people leaving for college.


Anonymous said...

nice going kurt ... here is my fill-in for the week so far.

1Hr shoulder work-out
30 min. abs
6.5 mile run

1 Mile warm up to the gym
1Hr chest and back
30 min abs
5.5 Mile run

had my official weigh-in on the wrestling scale at school 188lb. feeling good cause i am almost down to the 185 mark again and should be by the end of next week latest. feel confident that i will hit the 175 goal this summer, maybe even 170.

on tuesday next week going to move all the weight room stuff into the garage and set up shop so that i can get up early run and lift without disturbing the house hold. looking forward to being able to workout out side too, want to try some interesting things i have seen around including some crossfit stuff. nothing like fresh air and sweat

Kurt said...

Way to log the miles and the lifting. What kind of strength gains have you made?

Weight loss looks great, way to cut it down. Have you seen performance change in relation to that?

Anonymous said...

yes, overall i just feel better, lighter, more energy. i think lifting again has helped too because i feel like i have gained some strength back.