Friday, June 6, 2008

Teams of 2

Took it back to Brooklyn tonight, as the Manhattan location is currently overpopulated and underventilated. Since there were only four of us and limited equipment, we broke into teams and did the following:

400m run/KTE (Knees to elbows)
100 walking lunges/KTE
200 situps and 200 squats (total for the team)

For the first two, one team member does one and then switches when the other team member comes back. Do the Situps and Squats together. Took about 15 minutes. Really like the team element, as it makes for a great push with the twin drives of competition and potential shame (letting your teammate down). Good stuff.

Since I have tickets for a dance performance tonight, I went to crossfit instead of going out for lunch. We did:

3 rounds for time of:
250m Row
5 burpees
10 SDLHP 75#
20 pushups
10 KB swings 1 pood
20 situps
10 DL 95#

Finished with a 12:54, which seemed like a good time, as I didn't rest that much during the exercise. I used a lighter weight with KB, as my back still feels a little weird from the hyperextension I put it through at the beginning of the week.

2 hours until the weekend!

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