Tuesday, June 17, 2008

First Muscle-up!

As the title states, I was finally able to punch out my first MU. Everything just came together and I felt like I just floated up, no real effort at all. Then I couldn't repeat it. Guess that is why I have to keep training it.

Also did the sit up WoD:
50 abmat sit ups (ASU)
50 Double unders
50 ASU
50 walking lunges
50 ASU
50 burpees
50 ASU

15:50. Double unders suck as usual, but my weekly goal of 25 minutes of jump rope has already begun to pay off. I can consistently do sets of singles and occaissonally a double, but that is followed by immediate failure. Pathetic, but better than last week.

Sadly, tonight is the lamb butchering class and tomorrow is Warmachine league night, so I will probably be hitting up the manhattan box at lunch and try to bang through a workout or at least get some good skills practice in. Really looking forward to the class, but it is inconveniently timed. Not that this will stop me from signing up for the pig butchering class if this one is good, but I can still rail against missing my favority gym time.


Anonymous said...

NICE JOB!! very impressive

knee feeling much better ran 37:00 flat 5M race at Jones Beach.

more gym workouts and running.

Kurt said...

Thanks. Nice 7:20 minute mile time. The knee must really be getting better.