Friday, September 12, 2008

Jerking around

WOD today was 3x5 clean and jerks. After warmup and a little form work I ended up with this weight breakdown for sets: 95, 115, 125, 135, 125. The 135 set was crap form, especially on the jerk portion. The jerk is such a powerful movement that it is lost on an amount of weight that I can shoulder press, much less push press. The clean ended up being more of a power clean than a squat clean.

This should be a link to understanding the different types of cleans, for those that are unfamiliar:

And this should be the jerk:

Lastly, this is what we did, which is essentially putting them together (except I did a push jerk, rather than a split jerk):


Anonymous said...

hey man, good to see you are posting and working out . and good job on the tri - impressive - especially on the swim, i dont think people realize how tuff swimming is. I know i hate it.

i have been stuck on running as my shoulder is now hurting more than ever and i havent even used it. so i finally made an appointment with a sports med doc, too worried he is going to say i need surgery.

on the good side i have been killing the run workouts. my weeks consist of 12 mile long runs, 6X800m sprints, three mile pace runs with negative splits, and race simulations.

all the hard work has paid off, i broke the 45 min mark during a cow harbor race sim with an official time of 45:51 min. thats a 5 min improvement over the course of three weeks. just hope i can repeat this on actual race day next weekend.

Kurt said...

Jesus, that shoulder doesn't good. Hope the Dr. appointment goes well. Tell me how Cow Harbor went once you break it down. I don't remember the distance on that race, so the time doesn't mean much to me. Good luck.