Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Michael (again)

Well, for the third time this summer, we ended up with Michael, which is:
3 rounds for time of:
800m run
50 back extensions (sub 45# good mornings)
50 sit ups

I pulled in 17:32, which is a PR, but only by 12 seconds (17:44), not the almost a minute that I thought it was (the PR before that was 18:26, so that would have been correct). Sit ups were unbroken and GMs only had a total of three breaks, all of them two breathes long. Looks like the running is where I am going to make the improvement. Hopefully enough to pull it sub 17. My end goal being a 15 min, with each run taking an average of 3 minutes and each other exercise taking 1 minute. Considering that my 800 best in high school was in the 2:20s, that is probably a pretty tough goal, but still one to reach for. Also, if we ever do get a GHD, I could finally do the actual back extension and have a real time for this. I am curious how much that would add.

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