Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Snatches and Shovels

Isabel (30 Snatches for time) was yesterday. I am still not comfortable with Snatches, so I did ~40 snatches @ 65 to practice form. Still not confident, but better.

Today was virtual shoveling and pushups. This is essentially an Olympic bar with a 45 pound weight on only one end. The athlete lifts the weight (no just bar) over an object of a certain height, here 24”. Workout was 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 of shovels and pushups. One rep of shoveling is touching both sides of the obstacle. My time was around 16 minutes, but I wasn’t into it. Just dragging ass worrying about work. Got to get back in the game, especially for the race this weekend.

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