Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Chief and more Stairs

Two WoDs yesterday. Lunchtime at the Manhattan Box, made up the Chief, which is:
5 intervals, each interval is As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 3 minutes of:

3 115# power cleans
6 push ups
9 squats

Hit my mark of 4 rounds in each interval, although just barely making the last interval by a couple of seconds. Didn’t realize how tough it would be going from squats to power cleans.

That night, I stayed late at the office and did a modified Crossfit Endurance WoD on the stairs.

3 rounds of 20 seconds on/20 off, 30 on/30 off, 45/45. 60 on. The rest periods were pure rest, the end of each round was an immediate descent to the bottom at the fastest safe speed. As soon as I hit the bottom, the next round started.

Climbed 24 stories, 25, 25.5 in the three rounds. Not bad, but will have to do better at the Urbanathlon. Really looking forward to a race where my friends and family can be there to cheer me on and celebrate the finish. Should be a great time.


Anonymous said...

43:30 official race time on the co harbor run.

Kurt said...

Well done! Almost 7 minutes a mile exactly. You must be pretty happy about that finish. How is the shoulder feeling? Any word from the doctor?

Anonymous said...

yeah very happy placed 24th in age group out of 250
and placed 257 on field of 4,000 and change. next years goal is to run it in 40:00.

now i focus on the 1/2 marathon

I see the doc this wednesday