Thursday, May 29, 2008

Pressing and Playing

Yesterday's WoD was a simple 5 sets of 3 reps of shoulder presses. I got to the gym, did a full warmup (3 sets of 10 each of Pull ups, push ups, squats, situps), stretched and went at it. Bar was feeling really heavy and I couldn't push anywhere near my max (125-129). Failed out a few times at 115. Decided it would be better to avoid frustration and work on strengthening the shoulder itself, so I did skills practice. Worked the muscle up transition on a box, did Kettlebell balancing presses and jump rope practice. The WOD itself was frustrating, but the playground atmosphere of just trying different strength and skill exercises afterwards was fun.

Today is a Rest Day and tomorrow is likely to be one as well. Melissa is gone for the weekend to Martha's Vinyard, so I will likely be able to get a workout in on both days, probably a run Saturday and CF on Sun.

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