Monday, May 12, 2008

Goals, Ideas, Plans and other things that change

First post and time for the obligatory explanation of why I feel the need to empty my thoughts into the interwebs. My hope is that, with a log of goals, accomplishments and failures, I will be more motivated to go farther, faster and heavier. Although primarily about athletic targets, this will hopefully serve to remind me that, just like life isn't just about your job, it also isn't about how much weight I can lift or what mountains I have climbed.

Enough of the touchy BS, here are the main, short term goals:

1) Take 1:30 off my per mile time in the Urbanathlon. I did it last year in 80 minutes on an 8 mile track. You do the math on where I need to be. Just remember, that time includes all obstacles and the 52 story staircase that sits 3/4 of the way through. Race is 9/27/08.

2)Get in sufficient shape to keep up on the Adventure Race training weekend August 1 to 3. 30 miles in one weekend seems like a lot to me when we will be hitting 5 peaks, but it is really a short distance in terms of real AR. Since I am going with guys who can certainly out run me, I need to pound some pavement

3)Free standing hand stand and full ROM hand stand push up.

4) Full ROM ring muscle up. Hell of a lot harder than it looks and I am not even close at this point. Common understanding is you have to have 15 dead hang pull ups and 15 full ROM dips before having a good shot at this. I have neither.

5) Compete in either a sprint triathlon or a sprint AR. Hopefully sometime in late August or early September.

Enough for now. Will list the most recent training in the next post. Time to get away from the office.

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