Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Row, Burpee, Run

Although the hamstrings were still hurting yesterday, I could finally walk without limping every few steps and felt strong, despite the upper body pounding I took yesterday.

Got to the Cardboard Box early, which was good as we only have two rowers and this WoD was going to put them in high demand:

Row 1000 meters
25 burpees
Row 750 meters
50 burpees
Row 500 meters
750 burpees

Given that I had banged out 75 pushups yesterday, I figured that this would be a slogfest. However, my "step-back" style of burpee (done to avoid accidentally yanking my hamstring) proved to be great for this grind and allowed me to do long sets and limit wasted break time. I ended up with 25:22 and actually beat Robzilla, who was up to the 50 set of burpees when I started the workout. Normally, he and I are pretty close in times, but he looked just plain tired.

After the workout, I practiced some "skin the cats" and med-ball cleans, both skills that I greatly need practice with. While I was practicing, I encouraged the follow on heats and saw that Rachel, one of our new members, was struggling with the last 75. So I joined her in the last 60 reps, in 5 rep sets. She went all out and finished really well. That girl has some kick to her and will probably start giving Erica, her roommate, a run for her money in another 4 or 5 months.

After a cool down, I ran home or, rather, I jogged slowly home, as I was running low on gas. Making dinner for myself and Melissa, even something as simple as pan fried chicken and salmon over spinach, was a chore and I was very happy to fall into bed. Horray for Rest Day on Wednesday!

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