Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Lunging Kettlebell Fran

Crossfit has an infamous workout called Fran, a seemingly simple and amazingly short series of movements done for time that has become a benchmark. Like it or not, "What's your Fran time?" is becoming a popular interrogatory of where you stand in the heirarchy.

Since I stand (un)comfrotably in the middle of the pack, I don't have to worry about such bullshit.

pyramid of 10-1 Kettlebell thrusters (2 X 16Kg) and 1-10 pullups
10 overhead walking lunges

So, the first set is 10 KB thrusters, 1 pull up and 10 lunges, next is 9 KB, 2 pulls and 10 lunges, etc.

I substituted 12Kg and ended up with ~14:30. I was happy with my time as I didn't spend a lot of time resting, but next time I should jump to the real weight.

Then the run home with 12 pound pack in 22:48 (2.8 miles), changed out some stuff for the next day and then run to Melissa's 16:32 (1.8 miles). Not good times, but by that point I was pretty tired. Good news is that running with a pack is beginning to seem much more normal and I notice the shifting less.

Looks like today's WOD will be heavy deadlifts, so I get to find out what my 1RM is. Too bad I don't have access to the internet at home, so I guess posting on today's work will be delayed till tomorrow.

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