Wednesday, May 28, 2008

"Mile" Times

The WoD yesterday was different from normal, in that the goals were bifurcated into a mile run and then a running 10 minute clock for 5 separate exercises, counting reps as points. This means that you can kick it hard in the run, but have nothing left for the first couple of exercises, lowering your point count. WoD as follows:

1 Mile run
2 minutes each of-
Row (calories=reps)
30# Dumbell thrusters (used 1 pood KB in each hand ~70# total)
20# med ball cleans
double unders (subbed tuck jumps 1:1)
pull ups

I ended up with 5:05 "mile." and then 121 reps. Our mile was a bit short as I am no longer a 5 minute miler. I did have the fastest mile time on the board when I left a couple hours later, but a couple others had beaten my rep count and didn't pussy out and do tuck jumps either. I ended up running a couple more miles with friends, just to get some interval work in, doing them in 6:00 and 6:45. Then the 2.5 mile run home. Tired that night, but not exhausted.

As an amusing side note, I had accidentally picked up Melissa's yoga capri pants, which look exactly like my shorts, but longer (unless they are folded neatly in the drawer). Having nothing else to wear at the gym and not wanting to make the 5mile round trip home, I did the above in her pants. It is a good thing I got rid of that dignity thing a long time ago.


Anonymous said...

I"m a LUMBERJACK and I'm OKAY ...

NIce mile times! around the track i do a 6:30 but i can never duplicate that on the street or in a race. funny you mentioned 400 and 800's every wed. is my track workout. and i hate it. to top it off still sore from the squats the other day. I have been checking out the crossfit WOD and you people certainly like your squatty-type shit.

last night was killer at the dojo - 5X2 min rounds of heavy bag/push-ups/focus mitts/sit-ups 30 sec rest. than the normal workout.

from the sounds of your workouts and times - i am willing to bet you are the best fit and prepared for this


Simon Berman said...

blah blah pushups blah reps blah blah I'm like patrick bateman without the cool parts

Now I guess we can name drop each other in our blogs as if we were important cultural figures.

"So, Away from the Office said that the best place to beat hobos is this little corner in Soho called THE PIT."

Kurt said...

Anthony- yeah we definitely dig the squats and squat related activities. I really doubt that my mile time is at all accurate, as I really doubt the course they set for us was actually a mile. My fastest 1600 in high school was 4:58 and I don't think I am anywhere near as fast now. Guess I won't know until I hit up a track and find out.

Simon- Yeah, I don't have nearly as a cool a business card. I look forward to name dropping you on my blog saying things like "God's Away has been discussing the intimate details of PP's expansion plans and I have all of the details for the legends models. They are really awesome and I have already begun playing games with proxies." That's cool right?

Simon Berman said...

Yes if you don't mind me flying back to NY to put an icepick through your skull. :)