Friday, May 23, 2008

Dead Heads

Felt pretty good after the rest day and the first workout of the cycle is a rather boring-
5 rounds of 3 rep deadlifts and max Handstand Pushups. No time limit.

Went to CF Williamsburg and took my time going through a long warmup and then the workout. Ended up with (deadlift/HSPU rep count):
225/3, 245/4, 245/5, 245/4, 255/1.
HSPU to 2 abmats.

Not terribly impressive, so I hung around and practiced Med-ball cleans, Turkish Get-ups and skin the cats. I really want to improve shoulder and hamstring flexibility, as I feel my rigid frame is holding back performance on most of my lifting. Plus, it would just make life more comfortable if I didn't feel tight all the time.

Today's workout looks like a beast. Looking forward to the weekend and a chance to catch up on all the stuff I have been putting off.


Anonymous said...

okay thats it i am sick of feeling like shit again ... i spent too much time and hard work to get to where i am to let it go to hell. the run is sat morning and it is going to be my start to strict diet and workout discipline again.

Anonymous said...

didnt do too bad on the run 28 min and some change for four miles. i was shooting for 27 or under so i didnt make it, but it could have been worse. gavin placed 2nd overall with 23 min.

Sunday long run to northport - 10 miles- going to take it slow

Anonymous said...

Sunday morning 10 mile run turned into a 12 mile run 1 hour 41 min. feels good

Anonymous said...

okay --- this is mondays workout but i will post it here. took a day off from running - so decided to check out the crossfit WOD "Jason" only i didnt have rings for the muscle-ups so i replaced w pull ups - i know that it doesnt quite equal out but i did it on the fly w/o really thinking about it at the time - also i didnt know if the squats were supposed to be weighted or not so just did body weight. let me know later how it is supposed to be done.

time for "Jason" = 10:26
followed by 10:00 heavy bag w/ no rest

Kurt said...

I wrote a longer comment before, but it bounced. For Crossfit, squats without specficiation are bodyweight. The substition for muscle ups without a ring are 2 for 1 bar muscle ups (move from a full hang to a full support or, in another description, from the very bottom of a pull up to the top of a dip). If you can't do that (I sure can't) the sub would be one muscle up = 3 bar pull ups plus 3 dips.

Sounds like you went pretty fast and a straight ten minutes on the bag is a good long time. Are you feeling better after changing the diet?