Friday, May 16, 2008

Day of Rest

It felt great to go home, pick up a couple pounds of bluefish fillet and have a nice dinner. I had big plans to continue working on the apartment, but those fell through when I realized I had played video games in awhile. Needless to say, had a great time and the apartment looks the same.

My Amazon order came in and I started Into the Wild, a book about a guy who graduates from college, leaves all of his possessions to tramp around the US and eventually dies in a bus in the middle of the Alaskan Wilderness. Sounds depressing, but, so far, it is inspiring. The idea of getting out of the plastic society and really living sounds great, but I am far to attached to my comfort to do so. Hopefully, I will take more measured steps towards enjoying the outdoors by taking lots of trips this summer.

Today's WoD is "Michael," a workout we did not too long ago. It consists of:

3 rounds for time of-
800 meter run
50 back extensions
50 sit-ups

Last time (benchmark) was around 23 minutes. I feel like I should be faster this time. Guess I will find out tonight.


Anonymous said...

just like any good american I saw the movie (didnt read the book) after seeing some talk show cover his story. was interested in the movie because of content and also it was sean penns directorial breakthrough. was impressed with penns movie but not the kids story. in my opinion he was an ass. he didnt really take time to learn the skills he needed just took of after reading a few books and talking to some people - hell i am surprised he lived as long as he did, not that he died - that was a given. ASS. i didnt find him to be as insightful as people thought either. i was more inspired by fight club. but i guess ultimately they are both sort of preaching the same thing. what are your thoughts.

Kurt said...

I like the book so far. Haven't seen the movie. I can definitely see how someone would have that reaction to the story. It certainly isn't surprising that he died, nor particularly inspiring. The interesting portion, so far, is his love of the dream and the elevation of experience above comfort. I dig that message, even though the kid really didn't plan well enough. Reading the book and hearing the stories of the people who met him, he sounds like a person that is almost exploding with energy and the desire to live, not just survive. Ironically, it seems that this what got him dead. Nonetheless, interesting book so far.