Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Making up for missed posts

So, apparently the Thanksgiving week was an excuse to not post the training. Weak, but what can you do. Here is a short run down:

Monday (11/24)- Stair intervals. 3 rounds of 1min on/1min off X 3. Last rest period is the run to the bottom. Foul if you 2nd and 3rd climbs are a different distance from the first. Foul= 50 air squats. 25.5, 26.5, 27. Went to easy on the first round and it cost me 100 squats on the last walk to the bottom.

Tuesday- Lynne, 5 rounds of max BW bench and then chest to bar pull ups. BW= 180. 7/7, 6/5, 6/4, 3/5, 3/5. Not impressive, but got it done.

Wednesday (11/26): Mr. Joshua. 5 rounds of
400m run
30 abmat situps (sub from GHD)
15 reps of 177# deadlift (sub from 250#)

19:01. Fast for this workout, but I believe I missed the strength hit it was supposed to give. I will increase to 205 deads and see if I can use the GHD next time.

Thursday (Thanksgiving): Nate. AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
2 Muscle ups
4 Handstand pushups (sub HSPU negatives)
8 2 pood (~75#) Kettlebell swings

6 rounds, with 4-5 failed muscle ups. That was disheartening.

Friday: 4x800 interval training.
2:54, 2:59, 3:00, 2:55

Saturday: Helped move the Manhattan Box to its new location (26th street and 6th ave.). Felt really tired after the move, so skipped the official workout.

Sunday: Exhaustion continues. Decided to take a full on Rest Day and skip all exercise.

Monday: Felt much better after the full rest. Good decision. Shoulder press 1 X 7.
115, 125, 130, 135, 135F, 135, 130

Tuesday: 10K run. Target was sub 45 minutes. Hit 45:03. Disappointing that the hard sprint at the end couldn't push it 4 seconds faster, but my pacing was solid, as the 5K split was 22:33. Felt pretty good, despite the cold. Some knee pain, but less than my last PR time at the 5K, so I am hopeful that the form change is paying off.

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