Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Three in One

Well, guilt can do bad things to me. Guilt over having two rest days in a row led me to go a little overboard on the WoD last night.

Warmed up with clean and jerk practice. Can't ever get enough of that and weightlifting has been taking a back seat to met con and edurance recently.

Lots of empty bar/pvc warmup/practice.
3X4 95#
2X2 115
1 145# with ugly form on both movements

Then did AMRAP 20 minutes:

15 pullups
15 ring pushups
15 situps, weighted with 25# med ball
15 45# good morning back extensions

5 rounds plus 10 pulls. Sad, since most people made it to 6 and I was pretty well rested. Real limiter for me is the pull up as I still don't kip right.

Then did 4X400 sprints with 2 min rest

83, 86, 77, 82

Not good, but felt better about it as I had done it right after a hard metcon. Looks like a long run tonight.

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