Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sprints and Squats and playing the hand you are dealt

Yesterday was a beautiful day for a run workout, especially since I have finally marked out 400 and 800 meters on the sidewalk, so we know exactly how far we have to run. It went something like this:

4 rounds of
400m run
50 squats

I finished this in 12 minutes flat, putting me in Dead Fucking Last of the three people who showed up yesterday. Not the best showing, especially with the 1:20 spread between me and first. Definitely need to get faster on the squats.

I also finished up my playing card project. I put a particular skill or exercise on each card with a Sharpie. After my main workout, I draw five cards and do a skill weight version of each of them to polish form with fatigue already part of the problem. Worked well last night with a combination of butterfly kipping pullups, skipping jump rope, deck squats and wallball. It is a nice change from the usual screwing around post-workout.

When I got back to Melissa's, she was in mid-yoga, so I joined her for a little active stretching and passed out. I also continued by experiment with replacing dinner with a protein shake. I have found that eating at 10 or 11 just hasn't been working for me, so I am going to try skipping dinner and eating more for breakfast, lunch and late lunch. We'll see how it goes.


Anonymous said...

that card thing sounds great... can you send me a list os exercises you put on them so i can make a deck up.

Anonymous said...

so it is thursday and since my workout partner left me high and dry at 5AM i decided to do the crossfit work our of the day. I was only able to complete 5 1/2 rounds in the 20 min. I dont know how that compares to the crossfit standard, but i was expecting to do better i suppose. after to punish myself for a poor performance i did single arm kettlebell swings 25 each arm 30lb, than 50 double arm swings w/ 30lb, and finally 15 pull-ups w/ an additional 25lb attached.

tonight is a hill workout... ugh

Kurt said...

5.5 rounds for that workout is pretty good. I got 5 rounds plus 5 pushups, subbing jumping ring dips for ring dips at 2:1 ratio. Made the workout a little more metcon heavy. It was a tough deal, with a lot of frustrating waiting for your shoulders/triceps to recover.

Do you have rings at home now?

Sadly, I threw out the list of exercises I had based the cards on, but the general method was to create groups of exercises and then expand each group to four kinds of work. So one group would be pull ups, within which I would have: Kipping, max, tabata, weighted. Then Olympic lifts: Snatch, clean, jerk, etc. continue for a total of 12 groups, the last being four goats (chosen by the user of the deck, should be whatever you are worst at) then Jokers as runing and rowing.