Monday, July 14, 2008

"Total"ly "Sam"

I've missed updates here and will try to make up in a hurry. Last week I did "Sam" named after one of our members:

800m Run
32kg KB swings
800m run


Later in the week, I managed to get in a Crossfit Total. This is a pure strength test and is used to measure progress outside of metabolic conditioning. It consists of a one rep max of shoulder press, back squat, and deadlift. Having never done a Total before, I took all of my prior highest scores in each of the lifts.

Shoulder press 135# (10# PR)
Back Squat 235# (50# PR)
Deadlift 285# (10# PR)

Total: 655.

Looks like my target for the year is a 700 Total. I think I have some room to move in the back squat and definitely a good amount left in the deadlift. Hopefully, with the recent addition of more barbells and weights to the Brooklyn Box, I will get more strength training in.

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