Friday, July 4, 2008

Jacinto's 69

A respected member of the Black Box, Jacinto, turned 69 yesterday. Given that the guy wakes up every morning of his retirement at 4:30 so he can teach the 7am WOD class and then do his own workout, I feel that I don't think I have to wait 40 years to find out if he has better drive than I do, he just plain does. In celebration of his birthday, he announced the following workout:

69 Squats
69 Pushups
69 Pullups
69 Wallballs*
69 24Kg kettlebell swings
69 95# deadlift

The guy did it the night before his birthday in 49 minutes, wakes up the next day and does it AGAIN, but 2 minutes faster! Let it be noted that, assuming I am still alive in my late 60's, I will probably be doing something along the lines of "Walk to the bathroom for time."

At almost 29 years old, I managed to get just sub-30 with 29:50. Not bad, but certainly not best in box. If you want to see what it is like to be jacked at 69, check out this or to show what an older, wiser Spartan looks like.

Work has gotten crazy with the new boss, so my posts will probably be less frequent. Heck, it's the Fourth of July and I am at the office. Guess I should get back to work so I can get out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear that you are pulling crazy hours at the office. i have been hitting some great workouts lately. although I have to get up at 5 AM to them so i can get all the aspects i want to hit in for the day. i guess thats the price we pay ... if it was easy everybody would do it.