Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Fat, Fatter, Fattest

The Christmas holiday was a celebration of eating, family and friends, all held in the warm, comforting glow of the Xbox 360. Fallout 3 is that special kind of awesome that enourages whatever tendancies you naturally have and allow you to play them out without very much in the way of serious reprecussions. Video gaming at its most cathartic.

However, this did put a hurt on the training, so here is the log of how it went down:

Christmas day: Ate
Next day: Ate and Ate
That Saturday: Yup, still eating
Sunday: parents bought me a 5 gallon tub of raw cookie dough, which is my kryptonite. Assuming, of course, that this metaphor allowed superman to stuff a tub of Kryptonite filled with raw egg goodness down his maw while slobber and half-melted chocolate chips smeared his animal-like countanence.

Monday: finally back on track with Michael, for the first time as RX.
3 rounds of:
800m run
50 GHD back extensions
50 GHD situps

I have done this a number of times before, subbing good mornings for back extensions and anchored ab mat situps for the GHD. Prior times were in the 17 min range. This time: 26:48. A good portion of this was the agony of the last 50 situps, most done in 3s and 2s. Totally different workout that crippled me two days later.

Tuesday: CF virtuosity team workout that seemed like fun version of gym class. Practiced handstands then ran home from downtown manhattan. The view, at night, from the manhattan bridge on crisp clear night was breathtaking. Or maybe that was the 25 degree weather. Not sure.

Wednesday: Rest day. Melissa's comment- I now know how you will walk when you are 70.

Thursday (New Years Day!): Murph. First time as RX:
1 mile run
100 pull ups
200 pushups
300 squats
1 mile run

Pullups were almost entirely dead hang, as my abs still didn't really function correctly. 44:40. This is almost exactly what I got last time, but I am stronger now as I was pretty beat up even before the workout. Ran to and from the gym for a total of 5 miles

Friday: 135# Clean and Jerk minute ladder. One C&J on the first minute, 2 on the next and so on until you fail.

7 rounds plus 5 at 115#. Felt punked when Martin, who I outweigh by 20#s, beat me by a whole round.

Saturday: Desperately needed rest day, both for my body and my relationship with Melissa.

Sunday: Ran to and from the gym (5 miles). Deadlift 5 sets of three, peaking at 288# (a PR 13 pounds above even my last 1RM). Then did a Snatch clinic for instructors. Useful, but I missed part because I was late.

Monday: 7x1 Hang power cleans. Maxed out at 155. Form got better, especially with the extra clean seminar afterwards, but still not good.

Tuesday: 4 rounds of:
400m run
15 Handstand push ups
2 15' rope climbs

subbed 1:1 HSPU negatives to one abmat and 2:1 brooklyn rope climbs (10' rope) from a standing position.

Started Zone diet again Wednesday morning with a target use until the marathon on 7 Feb.

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