Monday, December 15, 2008

More BSG, a return to real cooking and 'Ow my back'

Got another chance to play the Battlestar board game. I continue to be impressed, as it gave a different set of challenges to the human team, flip flopped between seemingly impossible to win to impossible to lose and then back again. Also, got to play Tigh, took both the Admiral and President positions, launched nukes while authorizing brutal force and used my special ability (Cylon Hatred) to brig a cylon. Then found out I was a cylon, shot Helo in the face and proceed to beat humanity into the ground. Good times.

In even better news, I got back to cooking. I haven't made a real meal in quite some time. Invited over Martin and his wife Hope and made a three course meal that knock out one of my 2008 goals. Theme was a fall feast of game:

Shredded roast duck with homemade BBQ sauce and Habenaro sauce in a cornmeal pancake with cilantro garnish
Roast whole rabbit, with fall vegetables and mushrooms, cooked with venison sausage that had blueberries and Merlot with the meat and pork fat.
Spicy Chocolate cornmeal pone with chocolate custard and whip cream.

Meal was good, with the duck and the sausage being the standouts. Sadly, I still don't have a sausage maker, so that was the one part of the meal I didn't make from scratch. On the plus side, I finally found a good butcher, who proved to be knowledgeable, generous (free sausage) and verbally abusive. These are all things I look for in a purveyor of meats.

Friday was a terrible mixture:

3 rounds for time:
50 box jumps on a 24" box
21 185# deadlifts
30 pullups

23:34. As usual, pullups are the slow part, with most of them being done in pairs. Really hate pull ups.

Saturday I cooked all day, so that was a rest. Then Sunday I did the Bodyweight mile. Rules are simply: walk/run a mile carrying your bodyweight. You can carry it anyway you want, from kettlebells to dufflebags to weightvests.

I used two 32kg (~70#) kettlebells and a 40# weight vest. 23:35. Just terrible, with grip being the largest limiting factor. My forearms are going to be sore for a couple of days. I also think I will skip today's heavy deadlift workout. Here is a video that Juan took, mid-mile:

1 comment:

Simon Berman said...

I like when you post about cooking Kurt because it means I actually read your blog instead of visually scanning a bunch of numbers related to aerobics and then taking another swig of beer.