Monday, December 22, 2008

Catch up

Quick catch up for the failure to post last week:
Monday: ladder of running- 45 sec on, 45 off, 90 on, 90 off, 3 min, 6 min, 3 min, 90 sec, 45 sec. 4600m total. Then tabata pushups (80), swings with 1.5 pood (64) and muscle ups (6).

Tuesday: Split jerk technique: 7 x 135.

Wednesday: AMRAP 20 min of:
400m run
15 L-pullups
15 good mornings 45#

4 rounds + 10 pullups.

Thursday: 3X 1 mile repeats at 80%, 90% then max effort with 2 minutes rest-

Friday: Rest day for dinner- made Filet mignon for app, Broiled salmon with rosemary and an artichoke/mushroom rissotto for entree, brownies for dessert. Very relaxed evening, low pressure cooking.

Saturday: 4 x 800, 2 min rest between:

Sunday: Blackjack 15- ladder of pushups and squats, which starts at 15 pushups and 1 squat, then 14-2, 13-3, etc. 8:45. Didn't warm up enough.

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