Monday, December 8, 2008

300/30, The Longest Mile and Battlestar Galactica

Friday was a brutal Jason-like WoD:
100 squats
2 Muscle ups
80 Squats
4 muscle ups
60 S
6 MU
8 MU
20 S
10 MU

18:41. Felt good about the time and that I didn't fail any Muscle ups until the very last one, which I failed twice before finally nailing it. Also, my false grip is slightly off, resulting in unnecessary bruising on my wrist.

Saturday was a WoD of my own creation, which I got to use on the unsuspecting CF'ers as I was trainer for a day. The Longest Mile:
4 rounds of:
100m sprint
10 squats
100m sprint
10 pushups
100m sprint
10 jumping lunges
100m sprint
10 burpees

13:48. I liked this workout, but would change out the pushups as they were too easy. Probably make it either box jumps or precisions. Definitely hurt though, as it was the 5 straight day I had done a workout involving heavy leg recruitment.

Sunday was an inadvertant rest day, as I waited too long to workout and then ended up having too many commitments to make it happen. Probably for the best though, as the prior 5 day cycle was pretty brutal.

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