Friday, June 13, 2008

Finishing up the week

Haven't had time to log the workouts recently, most of which have been a muddle of biking, running and crossfit. Just bought a new moutain bike, which I desparately need for my adventure race next weekend. Excited, but also a little nervous considering I have only kayaked once before in my whole life and have never done a 12 mile off road bike trek. Definitely need to log some more time on the new toy, if only to get used to the saddle.

Had a good day today and not just because it is Friday. "Michael" came up again, so I got a chance to measure myself against a benchmark. As I wrote in my last post about this workout, it is three rounds of 800m run, 50 back extensions and 50 situps. My last time was 18:26, which is respectable, but I knew I could do sub-18. We had reset the distance for the 800m, so I ended up running an extra 40-50 meters, but still managed to bring the time down to 17:44.

Definitely happy with the improvement, although much less after watching my fellow CF'ers bust out a crazy kettlebell workout. I really need to work on my swing, as the last time I did a workout with it, I ended up with a hyperextension of my spine.

Looking forward to the weekend, as I am hoping to get some kayaking in tomorrow in preparation for the race. Also want to do some biking, cooking, running and investigate the possibility of buying a whole pig directly from the farm. Good stuff.


Anonymous said...

yeah sorry i never got back to yo on that race man. I think we spoke about it one time before though... i dont have a bike and i was wondering if you even had a kayak. anyway good luck on that. as it turns out my knee would have put a major kink in the training for it anyway. maybe next year.

anyway i have been hitting the gym hard with 2.5 hour lifting sessions each day. took the weekend off. tonight is the first run in the summer series. 5 miles at jones beach. feeling much better, but am worried because i havent been able to log any long runs. relying on previous training to pull me through.

PIG ROAST...YES!! harold told me about your plans, i might bust in...just to hang out around the fire pit the day before.

Kurt said...

I don't have a kayak, but they will rent one to you for the race and take care of the drop off and pick up, complete with paddle and PFD. I bought a bike last week and have been practicing on that. Race should be interesting. If you can, come to the race and check it out. Wading River isn't too far from where you are and the race itself should only take a couple of hours.