Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Friday Afternoon Fight

Took my lunch hour at CF and did the Friday Night Fight WoD. Nice to get a little sprawl training in, which I haven't done in a long time.

3 rounds for time of:
30 Sprawls
30 pushups
30 situps
30 squats
30 sprawls plus 2 count combo

1 minute rest between rounds

I ended up with 23:38, which was best in box, but none of the A-listers had showed up yet, so that won't stand. Hamstrings are still sore and the sprawls put some pressure on my hips, something that is also chronically tight. Really need to work a yoga or stretching session into my weekly or bi-weekly work. Happy with my time as it works out to be about 7 minutes a round, not bad for 150 reps. Looking forward to tomorrow when I get to go to the evening WoD at Brooklyn.

As a side note, lamb butchering class last night was awesome. Interesting, informative and had fresh kidneys sauted in butter. Fantastic. Got home and grilled acouple of sirloins and ribs, which tasted like hot sex. Meat is great.

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