Monday, November 17, 2008

Snatch running, Samuel Adams and recovery day

Friday was the following:

5 rounds for time of:
15 Hang power snatches at 65#
400m run

Finished in 15:10. Snatches put a hate on the shoulder, but still held up well.

Saturday, I went with the family to check out CF Old Bethpage. They were celebrating the birthday's of two members, Sam (34) and Adam (28), so they came up with this nasty piece of work. All barbell work done at 95# and rep count alternates between 34 and 28.

Squats with 25 plate held at arms length
1.5 pood swings
GHD back extensions
GHD situps
hang power clean
push press

25:15. Not using a rack meant that for every 3-5 push presses, there was an extra power clean. That sucked, in a good way, and it was nice to meet new CF people. My dad, not surprisingly, had only criticism for it. Mom might try it with a personal trainer, which would be great, but I think it intimidated her. Not surprising, since it intimidated me too when I started.

Sunday was supposed to be a 5K time trial, but a combination of soreness, exhaustion and how freaking cold it was, convinced me that some recovery work was in order. Also did a slow, weighted run to Melissa's place and back (~3.5-4 miles). Felt a little better afterwards and think it was a good choice. Can't afford to invite sickness in.

Pushups: 4000

The intensity of everything else is slowing me down on the pushups. Finishing by year end is impossible, as I won't sacrifice CF intensity or run training.

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