Monday, November 24, 2008

Over the weekend

Turned out that Friday was a 5k run, so I took the opportunity to do some strength and recovery work at the box. Saturday was a run to and from the Brooklyn Box (5 miles total) with some Clean and Jerks in between. Good to see people, but I was rushed as Melissa and I had a date that night and a tango lesson.

Sunday saw another run to B3 for a painstorm WoD:

3 rounds for time:

21 Knees to elbows
21 1.5 pood KB swings
21 pushups
6 brooklyn rope climbs (Got to use my rope)
21 box jumps
21 back extensions
150 feet of walking lunges (3 lengths of the gym)

25:56. Best in box by at least two minutes. Pretty happy with the performance, but doing so in an enclosed space with only a propane heater gave me a headache and a little naseau. We really need to fix the heating situation out there.

Today is a rest day, so I will do a CFE WoD on the stairs at work. Should be a good time.

Friday, November 21, 2008

5K Run

Took the rest day to do a 5K time trial. Although it was cold (about 25-30 degrees) and I have been doing 400m sprints everyday since Monday (16 total in three days), I thought I might be able to sneak a small PR in, since I have been getting stronger and faster generally. That was not to be and I turned in a 21:36. Although I am still happy with the performance given that I haven’t had a true rest day in 2 weeks, I was a little frustrated.

On the positive side, I did get to incorporate POSE into the running to a greater extent than ever before and my knee thanked me for it after the run was over. Unlike last time, when my knee was displeased to have been exposed to that, I had only a slight pulse of discomfort that ended shortly after the run. This is very encouraging from an injury prevention standpoint.

Unfortunately, I predicted today's WoD, which is "Run a 5K." So I am not sure what I should do at the gym.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Jerking, sprinting and Nicole

Tuesday was 7x1 push jerks. I learned that my form is terrible for this and it cost me weight, as I was only able to put up 155 (30 pounds less than Martin, who I outweigh by 10-15 pounds). That night, I did 4x400 sprints on 38th street (across 6th ave), which, to my chagrin, was all uphill and in the cold. Ended up with 81, 89, 84, 86. Sad performance, but it was cold and I was tired.

Wednesday was Nicole, which is AMRAP 20 min of:
400m run
max pull ups

I subbed Chest to Rings, as my grip with gloves on sucks and the taped rings help. It also meant that I couldn't do as many pullups and, therefore, could get more rounds in.

Today is a Rest Day for the mainsite, so it will be a 5K time trial for me. Good thing I brought warm clothing.

Last, I am bowing out of my own pushup challenge. The extra recovery time necessary to continue going at a reasonable pace is better used in recovering from the increased running. Since the marathon is only two and half months away, that is what I need to focus on.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Another metcon, although, thankfully, this time a short one:

3 rounds of:

400m run
21 1.5 pood KB swings
12 pullups


Not impressive, but considering how sore I am and that the last cycle was all metcons, I am happy with the time. Did some post-wod stretching and then treated myself to peanut butter dream protein shake (I love those things).

Pushups: 4020

I think I will get to 5000 and then call it quits.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Snatch running, Samuel Adams and recovery day

Friday was the following:

5 rounds for time of:
15 Hang power snatches at 65#
400m run

Finished in 15:10. Snatches put a hate on the shoulder, but still held up well.

Saturday, I went with the family to check out CF Old Bethpage. They were celebrating the birthday's of two members, Sam (34) and Adam (28), so they came up with this nasty piece of work. All barbell work done at 95# and rep count alternates between 34 and 28.

Squats with 25 plate held at arms length
1.5 pood swings
GHD back extensions
GHD situps
hang power clean
push press

25:15. Not using a rack meant that for every 3-5 push presses, there was an extra power clean. That sucked, in a good way, and it was nice to meet new CF people. My dad, not surprisingly, had only criticism for it. Mom might try it with a personal trainer, which would be great, but I think it intimidated her. Not surprising, since it intimidated me too when I started.

Sunday was supposed to be a 5K time trial, but a combination of soreness, exhaustion and how freaking cold it was, convinced me that some recovery work was in order. Also did a slow, weighted run to Melissa's place and back (~3.5-4 miles). Felt a little better afterwards and think it was a good choice. Can't afford to invite sickness in.

Pushups: 4000

The intensity of everything else is slowing me down on the pushups. Finishing by year end is impossible, as I won't sacrifice CF intensity or run training.

Friday, November 14, 2008


Made it to the lunch WoD yesterday for Jason:
100 squats
5 muscle ups
75 squats
10 muscle ups
50 squats
15 muscle ups
25 squats
20 muscle ups

I started doing a scaled workout with a 20% reduction in MUs, but after the first set, I upgraded and ended up doing the full 50. Got a 35:14, which I didn't real care so much about, just looking for a completion. Next time I will definitely have to attack it harder and get a real comparison time.

Tried to do some pushups afterwards, but triceps were shot.

After the WoD, I made it down to Grand Central Market for a free sample of Jamon Iberico, which retails for $100/pound. Good stuff, great texture, but maybe a little too pricey for what you get. Looking forward to trying a new crossfit this weekend and introducing my parents to what it is that I do.

Pushups: 3930

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fight Gone Bad and Intervals Gone Worse

Well, my previous FGB score was an inspiring 300. I had a feeling with the training level of recent days and changes in diet, I would have trouble matching it and I was right. I fell apart on wallball and the SDLHP had terrible form. I even managed to drop the push press on the last set. Good times. Ended up with 278. Not bad, but not great either, particularly when you count reps for the guy who ends up with 344.

Then did Interval pyramid at night. 1 min on, 1 min off, 1 min on, 50 secs off down to 10 secs rest and then back up. Went 3400m, which isn't too shabby for 11 minutes of running on the same day as FGB.

My pushups are beginning to suffer and I may have to give in to the challenge in order to maintain intensity elsewhere.

Pushups: 3900 (4100 is the target for yesterday)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Inverted Burpees? What the hell is that?

Today's WoD was 5 rounds of 25 reps of inverted burpees, pullups, burpees. An inverted burpee begins in a supine position (on your back) roll forward and kick up into a handstand (usually against a wall). I scaled as follows:

5 rounds for time:

15 inverted burpees
15 pullups
15 burpees

24:08. The inverts were ugly after the first couple of sets and I fell a few times. Some reps didn't count and things got a little blurry when I tried to finish quickly at the end. Good times.

After the WoD, I got a good cool down stretch period, followed by POSE drills and pushups. Long night at the box, but a productive one. Watching people do the full WoD was sad, as I saw the firebreathers get humbled by the sheer rep count.

Pushups: 3840

Monday, November 10, 2008

Back from the Running and Endurance Certification

Took a trip to Boston and attended the CF run and Enduro cert at Northshore CF in Topsfield, MA. It was a good time and although pricey at $600, definitely exposed me to POSE running and taught me a lot about the CF approach to training a distance athlete.

I now have lots of drills to do and feel like I can start training POSE and get ready for the marathon at the same time. Also met a NYer at the cert who is interested in doing some Adventure race stuff next season. Will definitely have to check that out.

Pushups: 3715

Friday, November 7, 2008

Rest Day, slacking on pushups

Took a rest day yesterday and managed to slip on my pushups. Really need to get back on track if I am going to finish by new year's eve. Today is run/squat, but I may have to miss because of the trip to Boston. Sucks.

Pushups: 3350

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Out of gas on Frannish, but did well in the Electoral college

Yesterday, did the Electoral College WoD on 11/4: each state assigned a movement and rep count equal to the number of votes they carry. Get to 270 for time. I did it in 13:55.
With the workout and extra pushups for a day’s total of: 165

Today, the third day of Strict Zoning, I pretty much failed out on Frannish:
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
10 pullups
10 65# thrusters

8 rounds plus 2 pulls. I became disoriented around round 4 and tore a callus on 7. This sucked and was my worst performance in a long time. I am going to up my fat blocks to 2x block count and see if I can get a little more energy, not to mention to stop wanting to stick my face in the peanut butter jar. It is strange how the body can crave fat and not carbs, which seems much more normal to me.

Pushups: 3305

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Michael (again)

Michael came up again, prompting me to wonder, with so much variation, how this WoD is so common. Again, it is:
3 rounds for time:
800 meters
50 GHD back extensions (sub heavy bag BE)
50 GHD situps (subbed ab mat situps

17:12 (PR), 20 seconds faster than the previous 17:32 (17:44, 18:26 being those before). Hopefully, we will soon get a GHD for Brooklyn so I can find out what my actual time for this is.

Then moved Melissa's stuff for time. That sucked. I put everything I had into Michael and was just plain tired.

Pushups: 3130 (170 pushups behind the 100/day average)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Back to Running

Finally got back at it this weekend. Am getting excited for the Running and Endurance Certification coming up this weekend, especially since I having been suffering knee pain every time I run. It gets better when I do my weak-ass interpretation of POSE, but, since I can't keep that up very long, the pain is still worrisome.

Met up with Wendy-Lynn and we ran ~4 miles to the the McCarren park track. Did some interval work:
1X 1 mile- 5:46
3 X 200- 31, 35, 36

Didn't fully rest between the 200s. Then ran ~3 miles home. Was a nice day and had a good time. Also, got my first bar muscle-up. Very different experience from a ring muscle up.

Pushups- 3010