Sunday, May 18, 2008

Without a car

Some things in brooklyn have taken a little getting used to. Everyone in my neighborhood listens to rap all the time and I mean ALL the time. The streets are a collection of grids that aren't related to each other, so when one grid meets another, you can keep going straight and end up behind where you started. One big thing that is taking some time is walking everywhere. In queens, everyone has a car and there is parking in most places. Here, with no car and subways being mostly geared toward manhattan-brooklyn travel, getting around is based on your feet.

Made it to the saturday morning crossfit workout, which was:
20# medball cleans
1.5 pood (24kg) kettlebell swings

Workout was named "fumes" since some workmen were running a generator and welding pipes in the basement. Made for a lightheaded day.

With the walk there, back, to downtown brooklyn to drop off knives to be sharpened and then walking to a friends BBQ, I probably put in another 8 miles, most of which had a pack on my back, with 2 bottles of wine and a couple pounds of knives. Sunday brought a break from working out, but for another few miles of walking.

Just looked at the crossfit main site and tomorrow's WOD looks brutal. Best get to bed and start the recovery so I can tear it up after work.


Anonymous said...

okay so it monday 6:00 and i have yet to work out, but i am going to force myself to go out and do a 5k close to race pace. want to take it kind off easy to let body heal for the race on saturday. havent felt good during my workouts for a while now... maybe i am over training. what do you think.

Kurt said...

Remember the tired truism "you don't build muscle on the road or the gym, you build it in bed." Without sufficient recovery (read 7-8 hours of sleep every night and periodic rest days) all you're doing is a complicated form of masochistic masturbation. Take a day away from all of it, do something else that you really like (for me, it's video games) and then come back refreshed and hit some PRs.

What race are you doing this weekend? Is it too late to sign up?