Thursday, May 15, 2008

Lifting the Dead

Heavy day at CF with 7 sets of one rep deadlift being the order of business. Since I haven't actually done a deadlift outside of last week's 205 for 45 total reps, I had no idea where I should be. After a warmup, went with:
225, 235, 285(f), 275, 275(f), 275, 275(f)

Form was terrible on the up motion, decent on the down. I have trouble setting the start position due to inflexibility, so I will have to work on some stretching. Maybe recruit Melissa in to get me to actually DO the stretching.

Run home- took another wrong turn and ended up doing over 3 miles, rather than the 2.5 it should be. I had increased the weight of the pack by including my "Starting Strength" book, so that could be another reason for the slow run. I am tired and looking forward to having a day off. The deadlifts seem impressive, but I really should be able to pull much more than that. 2 x BW is my goal. That seems like a good segue into a list of my current metrics:

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 178.5 (last night at the gym)
Waist: 33" at belly button
Body fat: 10%

I don't know if that last figure is accurate. I don't feel like I am that lean, but time will tell. I have slipped on my diet a little, as the new BBQ grill has led to an over consumption of fatty meat and some extra grains (hamburger buns). Will work on correcting that tonight with my rest day.


Anonymous said...

man don't get me started on diet - slipped off something bad, i feel like my body was telling me i needed more calorie, but now i feel like shit. last time i checked about two weeks ago i was 184. that felt good because i started at 215. who knows where i am my body has a habit of yoyo-ing very easily.

today was a very slow 5 mile run pushing hunter in the running stroller. my legs felt sore and heavy from yesterdays sprints. if i can get a run in on friday i would like to do it with a 15lb. pack on hills around 6 or 7 miles. not looking forward to sunday (long run).

today at the gym did bi/tri/shoulders took is easy to get back into it. 30lb curls / dips & 30lb cable pull downs / 10lb. lateral raises - super sets.

Kurt said...

Looks like you have managed to cut a good amount of weight. I weighed 217 last March, so I know what you mean about feeling light.

Are you concerned about the foot soreness? I haven't been experiencing foot issues, although the inside of my thighs have certainly been unhappy with the running. What is your long run like?

Anonymous said...

long run is 9.5 -10 miles lots of hills and i mean some bis hill too. i figure i have to seek out hills now - better for building strength anyway.