Tuesday, May 27, 2008

2 Pood

Last workout before a long weekend (and three days without internet access). This one was tough and put a real hurt on my core:

5 rounds of 25 reps of each of the following:
2 pood kettlebell swings (~70 pounds)
Glute ham developer (GHD) situps
GHD back extensions
Knees to elbows

Finished in 40:02

If someone had been keeping track of the time, I probably could have kicked it a little faster and finished sub-30, but since we only have 1 GHD, no such close monitoring was possible. I had never swung a 2 pood before and 125 reps of anything is tough.

Finished it off with a run home and figured my back would hurt all weekend, so I stretched it out frequently. Amusingly, it is my abs that really hurt, still today. Rest of the weekend was a wash for workouts, but I did get camping stuff from Harold, got outside and tried doing a muscle up on a tree branch (failed).


Anonymous said...

i dont think i can do a muscle-up, but the funny thing is i dont think i can do enough pull ups and dips to equal them either!

I do feel a bit better after starting to eat better again. it seems my body has become real comfy floating between 185 and 190. getting over the hump to hit the 175 mark is going to take much discipline! help! - on the same note, cant seem to break the 7 min mile mark - bet loosing weight would help!

this is my life -- WELCOME TO THE SUCK

off to kick some ass now - or at least get ass kicked and learn to kick others asses more effectively/efficiently.

Kurt said...

Hmmm, the post should say "a little faster and finished sub-40." There was no way in hell I was doing that workout sub-30.

Don't stress about the MU subs, I can't do them at high reps either. Even jumping ring muscle ups not only fatigue you quickly, but also tear the hell out of you wrists from using the false grip.

The weight is definitely something that we keep your time from coming down, but I would also focus more on doing 400s and 800s to really bring the mile time down. Sprint intervals, as shitty as they are to do, really help with short distance running.