Thursday, February 19, 2009

2009 Goals

After having a few weeks to mull it over, I have come up with a draft of the 2009 goals. I am looking for suggestions on these, especially subjects/books for reading.

1. Complete Marathon
2. Win Urbanathlon
3. 5 Second free standing handstand
4. 750 CFT (sum of back squat, deadlift, overhead press)
5. 60 second 400m Run
6. 5 minute mile

1. Gencon 2009 (Indianapolis, IN in August)
2. Tucson, AZ
3. Montreal or Toronto

1. Swim under a natural waterfall
2. Speed hiking and camping
3. Skinny dipping in lake or ocean

1. Successfully bake a loaf of bread
2. Make sushi for Melissa

1. Read 12 non-fiction books on subjects I am not familiar with
2. Get certified as a Level 1 Crossfit Trainer
3. Learn (very) basic Blacksmithing and fashion my own knife

1. Apply for a different career
2. Get a job I hate less
3. Finish NJ CLE

1. At least 2 date nights a month

1. 1500 point fully painted Menoth Army
2. Sell unused models (FOW + Everblight)

1. Complete taxes by end of March
2. Have $15,000 in savings by YE

I will almost certainly add more, but I think this is a good beginning.