Thursday, August 28, 2008

Murph and Front Squats

Did Murph on Monday, the day after the tri, and finished in 44:05. Murph is:
1 mile run
100 pull ups
200 pushups
300 squats
1 mile run

partition the body weight any way you want, as long as the runs are the bookends. I broke it 5, 10, 15 across the three exercises for 20 rounds. Felt good and since I was not doing chest to bar on the pull ups, they felt like the rest portion. I almost wussed out because of the triathlon the day before (more on that later), but did it anyway and am happy with the score.

Then did form work on the Front squat on Tuesday with a 6X8 at 65#. Really helped and I will have to revisit next week to actually push the weight up.

Wednesday is a rest day for me, so today will likely be yesterday's work out or some similar insanity.

Back on it

Well, blogging fell apart right around the time of my birthday. This makes sense, considering I suffered probably the worst injury since I broke my leg right about then. Nothing like being in near constant pain for a week to put a dent in your training.

But, I am back in action. To prove it, I went hiking and camping with Anthony (roughly 26 miles and three mountains over 2 days) and I finished my first Triathlon. Good times, although I learned that I am swimming retarded. Will have to work on that and many other things.

So, time to re-dedicate, prepare and get on track to kick ass at the Urbanathlon on September 27th.